Late Summer Sparrows and Swallows Psalm 84:3 Pattern 2006-E KJV Bible Verse Cross Stitch
From the Stitching Through The Psalms Series:
Late Summer Sparrows and Swallows
Psalm 84:3 KJV
PDF Chart Download
Pattern #2006-E
Design Stitch Count: 151w x 185h
Design Measurement:
on 14-Count Aida: 10.79″w x 13.21″h
on 16-Count Aida: 9.44″w x 11.56″h
This design can be stitched with or without the floral design that accompanies the Bible verse in the inner box (see pictures above).
The Late Summer Sparrows and Swallows counted cross stitch pattern is full of birds, birdhouses, and flowers. The Bible verse stitched in the center is “Yea, the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O Lord of hosts, my King, and my God.” Psalm 84:3 King James Version, KJV.
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Also Available Separately:
Late Summer Birdhouses
Pattern #1022
Click HERE for details.