Call Unto Me Bible Verse Cross Stitch Pattern 3004 – Jeremiah 33:3 King James Version KJV
Call Unto Me
Jeremiah 33:3 KJV
PDF Chart Download
Pattern #3004
Design Stitch Count: 86w x 58h
Design Measurement:
6.14″w x 4.14″h on 14-count aida
5.38″w x 3.63″h on 16-count aida
The Call Unto Me counted cross stitch pattern is a floral cross stitch design stitched in shades of pink and green, based on the Bible verse Jeremiah 33:3, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” King James Version KJV. The Bible verse is surrounded by flowers and berries.
Pattern Color Key provides DMC thread color numbers. The chart is done in black and white symbols, and the backstitching is shown in color. This design uses 6 thread colors, and uses only whole cross stitches and backstitching.
Stitch this pattern in the original pinks and greens, or with any thread colors of your choice. This design also looks great stitched in monochrome.
*All charts are provided in PDF format, which can be opened by Adobe Acrobat Reader. This program can be downloaded for no charge from the Adobe website. If you do not currently have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer, you can download it for no cost here.