Bendice, Alma Mia, A Jehová Salmos 103:1 Bible Verse Cross Stitch Pattern Pattern 2005-S
Bendice, Alma Mia, A Jehová
Salmos 103:1 KJV
PDF Chart Download
Pattern #2005-S
Design Stitch Count: 101w x 129h
Design Measurement:
7.21″w x 9.21″h on 14-count aida
6.31″w x 8.06″h on 16-count aida
*The instructions that you will download for this design are in English.
*Las instrucciones son en Ingles.
This counted cross stitch Bible verse pattern for Psalms 103:1 is in Spanish / Español. “Bendice, alma mia, a Jehová.” It includes a flower and a delicate border for a pretty design.
This Bible verse is also available in a similar design in English. (The designs are slightly different, so they are not interchangeable.)
This pattern uses only whole stitches, and it uses 5 thread colors. The pattern Thread Color Key provides DMC thread color numbers.
*All charts are provided in PDF format. If you do not already have software to open PDF files, it can be opened by Adobe Acrobat Reader. This program can be downloaded for no cost from the Adobe website. If you do not currently have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer, you can download it here.